Do you trust the Gateway to Tracy's future with Vargas and Sandhu?

August 14, 2021

Tuesday Night's City Council Hearing On The Westside Specific Plan Will Further Determine The Development Area's Land Use Designation And Future

Outgoing City Manager Jenny Haruyama's swan song to the residents of Tracy is pushing forward the Westside Specific Plan (aka "Tracy Gateway") on behalf of Council Member Vargas and wealthy private developer Mike Sandhu. Haruyama approved holding a community meeting (61 people attended) and to launch an online survey (421 total responses) in late July during the summer break to gather public input. It's worth noting that Tracy has a population of 100,000 people, so it will be interesting to hear how Kimley-Horn Associates spin the outreach effort and response.

It's no secret that majority property owner Mike Sandhu wants to build an industrial park filled with warehouses.  Sandhu does not view things in the same way as regular Tracy residents. He views everything through the lens of dollar signs. From his perspective, massive million square foot warehouses at Tracy's Gateway are a thing of beauty, ultimately because it means big money for him. 24-hour, 7 days a week non-stop diesel trucks burdening the roads? A small price to pay, he'll argue, for the business and job creation. (But just ask around if warehouse jobs will afford you a new house in Tracy?)

As for Veronica Vargas, serving in her last term as an elected city council member, her interests are that of Sandhu's. What he wants, she wants. It was no doubt Vargas' recommendation to rebrand "Tracy Gateway" in order to meet Sandhu's desire to build warehouses. "Tracy Gateway" was meant for office parks, retail, a hospital, etc to generate vibrancy and sustainable jobs for Tracy residents. That's not enough ROI for Sandhu and the other property owners, so Vargas has led the effort to meet their interests with the Westside Specific Plan. The concerns of the residents living in the area, the daily commuters, and those who feel that Tracy can do better than warehouses fall on deaf ears with Vargas, despite what she might say on the dais.

The implications of Tuesday's Council Meeting on the Westside Specific Plan are significant.

While the agenda item is to "provide direction to staff," the wheels are already in motion for Vargas and Sandhu. Per the staff report -

"Following tonight’s City Council meeting, City staff will incorporate direction from the City Council in working with KHA and the property owners to develop a Draft Specific Plan and a Draft EIR for public review...Once the Draft Specific Plan is prepared, staff anticipates approximately two months of public review, followed by public hearings by the Planning Commission and City Council prior to final adoption. If significant policy or land-use changes are proposed or warrant City Council review, additional updates or direction from City Council will be scheduled."

Staff hopes to bring the matter back to City Council before the end of the year. That's a quick time line and, at that point, will be difficult for residents to alter/stop the project.

Please attend Tuesday night's meeting and let your voice be heard!

The meeting starts at 7:00 PM and can be attended online if you cannot make it into City Hall. 

A copy of the agenda and staff report can be accessed here.

The meetings are streamed online which can be accessed here. 

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