The previous city council meeting almost went without controversy – almost.
Mateo Bedolla’s antics toward the end of the meeting bolstered the arguments for those who opposed his appointment.
The issue triggering Bedolla was Mayor Pro Tem Abercrombie’s reasonable request to bring two important and time-sensitive matters regarding the Temporary Emergency Housing Facility to the city council. The alternative was to first submit them to the Tracy Homelessness Advisory Committee and delay these important city-wide decisions.
Bedolla and Abercrombie both serve on the Committee.
Here’s an excerpt of what went down –
Bedolla never offers a solid argument or justification for why the matter should go before the THAC. He likely knew there wasn’t a good reason to delay a matter that would go before the full city council anyway, where Bedolla would have a full opportunity to express his opinion.
What’s more embarrassing is that Bedolla clearly knew ahead of time that Abercrombie would make the motion. Bedolla did not speak extemporaneously; he read prepared scripted comments. His outward frustration and outrage were performance art, not good government.
His actions were why, as an incumbent, he did not win outright this past November. Tracy voters are tired of public temper tantrums interfering with the conduct of city business.
Bedolla either needs to start acting like an adult or go sit back at the kiddie table.
While it’s too early in the year to say that things have completely changed, things are indeed looking up at City Hall.
Notwithstanding Bedolla’s antics, the Council Chambers overall had a positive, productive feeling.
Even Bob Tanner had positive things to say (there’s video proof).
A lot of the positivity stems from a more confident and competent mayor and majority city council ready to set aside petty disagreements and work for the good of the community.
This new council attitude is also infecting city staff in a positive manner.
The new Assistant City Manager and interim City Attorney are also getting things done.
Let’s hope this honeymoon lasts.
Tracy was set back by the previous majority council and city attorney, and with Evans and Bedolla still on the council, it’s a constant reminder that things can still turn for the worst.
In the meantime, we’ll continue to watch and remain hopeful.